Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How can words affect me so?

Current Mood - Sickish, angry, pleasantly pleased
Current Music - None, although I am listening to House.

SO I'm officially getting sick. I missed school yesterday because my body temperature was fluctuating, and my stomach was queasy, and I had a huge headache. Today, my throat is uber scratchy, and my nose is running faster than a sprinter. Plus, I'm really pissed at my mom, who insists on taking over my science work. It only annoys me becasue I'm a teenage girl, and my mother is trying to be a part of my life. What do you expect?
Anyways, yesterday was uber chill after I went home. I watched The Princess Bride with Nils, and then I watched Robin Hood; Men in Tights. Wicked movies. Soccer practice at 7pm, which was okay, we've got some new players, and that means we'll have an actual team!
Tim's getting me a ticket to Music n' Motion, which is awesome, cause like, it's Music n' Motion!! But, that weekend, I will have a Saturday piano recital, Sunday M n' M, and Monday, Band concert. Crazy music weekend eh?
Today I went to the Theatre Calgary play, The Overcoat. Wow, it was wicked. There was no dialogue, but they danced a lot, and used Dimitri Shostacovitch's music. It was amazing. I really loved the horns, when they came in, obviously. But the play was so cool. I won't describe it here, but I loved it.
So, lately, words have been really hitting me hard. Not nesscessairly bad, but definitely odd. I mean, one phone message made my day. The words on the page in front of me when I read make me think so much harder than I ever have before. I dunno, just random thoughts. But how can words touch me so?
That's pretty much all I have to update. Wow, quick one today.

"Your boobs are yours and Tim's alone!" - Spencer. I'll explain this one only to people who actually want to know.
"What'd you do Gympie?" - My neighbor Janet, when she came to look at Nils's possibly sprainend ankle, after he fell down the stairs.
"I want to date her right now!" - Morgan and Sarah, after Jessica told them what she did for Josh's birthday.


Join June said...

'Tis useless to attempt to interprest the title, it being explained in the post and all.

~Shazam!~ said...

"Your boobs are yours and Tim's alone!" - Spencer. I'll explain this one only to people who actually want to know.

that sounds like a fun time, mind filling me in