Thursday, May 31, 2007

Runaway love

Current Mood: Undecided...
Current Music: Pirates of the Carribbean Sountracks, 1&2

Well, I saw Pirates yesterday...YAY!! So fun, it was a day off, so about 12 of us decided to go for Chinese and go see Pirates!! I won't spoil it, but yeah, pretty much loved it, and I will absolutely go see it again with anyone!!! Must get the soundtrack to round out my collection...
Anyways, I had soccer on Tuesday, which ended rather badly, because i played my former team and coach, and the referee was an absolute ass!!! He gave us NO CALLS FOR THE WHOLE GAME!! You can't tell me that the other team didn't do anything wrong THE ENTIRE GAME!!! Fcuk, I hate that ref...He thought obsruction is no longer in the rulebook!! WHAT RULEBOOK IS HE WORKING OUT OF???????
Sorry, little spazzy, but I really didn't like him, and I wasn't the only one... we lost, 1-0 anyways.
Afterwards, while talking to Tim on the phone, he suggests that I should go to the Stetsons rehearsal on Wednesday, because i have Thursday off. (Yes, two days in a row, I know you're all jealous...well, those of you who don't go to Abe...) Uhm, okay, interesting idea...maybe, I say, and my mom as well. In the end, Nils had a soccer game nearby, and my mom dropped me off, then picked me up most of the way through the rehearsal. I have to say though, Timmy, that was the most absurd suggestion ever. Anyone in band knows that inviting someone to a rehearsal means they'll be sitting there, just listening and watching. And considering I had to leave halfway through Mass Band, there really wasn't anything of interest to watch, except the Colour Guard, but still, I sat for nearly two hours without speaking! Plus, I've seen the show. I mean, I liked freaking out all my CSSB friends by randomly showing up, but still. I highly doubt I will be doing that again.
I've now uploaded all of Round-Up's field show from Music n' Motion onto YouTube. My account is CSSBgroupie, I think it'd be easier for you all to find them that way. I'm working on getting Stetsons' up, but it's really long and slow, so I might not have them done today...we'll see...
I really should be doing my Social homework, but I've completely forgotten how to write a business letter in French. Something about, you can't address the person, you have to say like Cher Monsieur ou Madame...I think...Don't know, don't care. I'll do it tomorrow, before school, frantically asking everyone, "How the hell do I do this????" =P
It's funny, in the past two/three weeks, I've changed a lot, and if I can notice it...I know that my relationship with Henry has changed, we're actually on speaking terms, and I think he's getting the fact that I have the same friends as him. Going to the movie with him and everyone else yesterday, and last week when Chelsea had my MnM ticket, and she wasn't there, I realized that he knows, and I need to stop. Just, stop. I think I'm finally over him. I know most people think that's an odd thing to say, but it's true. Ask me if you want the whole story. Anyways, I'm done fighting him, and I'm ready to be his friend again.
It's funny, almost ten times today, tears have come to my eyes. And everytime, they were for boys. Stupid boys =P. I keep wondering, and asking myself, am I really different. And really, I know I am. But, it's hard when each day, I wonder, am I going to call him, or what? I hate to, because I don't want to be the girl who needs attention constantly, but on the other hand, I hate going a whole without communicating with him in any way shape or form. Oh, and there is the fact that I think he keeps a) forgetting his cell phone or 2. forgetting to turn it off Silent after band. But, i can't help but wonder...I met his friends on Sunday, hardly though. And I apparently am such an outsider that I don't the respect of my name. I understand he's had a lot of "girl toys" but at least call me my name, all I want to be known for who I am, not for who I'm associated with.
Final thoughts, I officially have no sympathy for Marching Geeks. I saw your guys' warm-up, running suicides, and jumping jacks, and i watched y'all march, slides, forwards/backwards etc. but still. I have no sympathy when you guys walk out panting. Soccer players run before practice, during practice and after practice. We run before a game, during a game, and usually after a game. You guys march quickly, slowly, moderato (hehe =P). We run. Jogging to start, but then my warm-up goes into a fast skip, which includes various arm movement, and then a shuffle. Sprint to the end line and back, carry the ball, fight for the ball, run afterwards. We run insane suicides after practice. Guard would maybe be the only ones I could relate this exercise regime to, because they move faster and a bit more than others. I know soccer and marching are taxing, physically and mentally, marching maybe more mentally than soccer, but still, we work really hard, and we go for a bit longer than y'all. I've played 90 minutes straight, whereas your longest parade maybe goes for a couple hours, with a few breaks, because someone up ahead was being slow. Anyways, this is just me ranting, you've no need to debate this.


"Four of you have tried to kill me. One of you suceeded."
"My peanut." - Jack Sparrow

(My grandmother walking out the front door, looks down at the step) "Hey, there's three pennies here, they're yours!" - Grandma. I love her so much.

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