Thursday, May 3, 2007

Love is officially blinding.

Current Mood - ECSTATIC!
Current Music - There's a reason these tables have numbers honey, you just haven't thought of it yet - Panic! at the Disco

So today, Amanda, Cheylina, Katelyn and I all brought our Gameboys to school, and all our Pokemon games, cause we saw a guy on the bus yesterday with a Gameboy colour. I brought my Colour and Pocket, Manda brought her Colour Pikachu Edition(!), Chey brought her SP and Dolg(gold-I spelt that backwards completely by accident, I didn't want to delete it)Pokemon game, and Katie brought her SP and i think Red. I brought my Yellow, and Manda brought her Yellow and Silver.
Gym class was okay, considering we had to run to Foothills pool to the tennis courts. Then, after about twenty minutes, we had to leave cause it started raining. Then we played dodgeball for about an hour.
Social was...interesting to say the least. First, we had a unit test, with a sub. When we finished (by we I mean Rylann, Koos and I) after 20 minutes, we asked to go to the library. However the library was full( NO space anywhere, not a computer or table) so we went to the cafeteria. We finished everything we could on our project, and then just pretty much took a spare. I played Gameboy, and Ry watched me, Koos left to get some food, and Henry joined us part way through. That was the best peroid I've ever had.
So lunch was pretty wicked too, mostly Kurt, Keenan, Allen and I chilled in the debate room.
Nothing terribly exciting in FLA, but in Science, when I was finished my test, my mother called me. On my cell phone. So, I went to Ms. Ng, and asked if I could use her phone. She asked me why, and I told her that my mother just called me. She rolled her eyes and consented.
So after school, it was snowing like heck. Fortunately, Kelsie offered me a ride home, so I didn't have to walk through it. When I got home, I was pretty happy when Kelsey told me to call Tim. Phone conversations are my favourite kind, except for face-to-face.
Tonight, about an hour before my soccer reffing gig started, I checked my email, and discovered the game was cancelled. YAY!!! I'm pretty happy about that.
I realized today during gym that I used to date one of THE least-athletic people in my school. No hand-eye coordination to speak of. Not that I'm trying to be mean, but it's true. Sorry G-Unit.
During FLA today, I scratched my chin, and it began bleeding like there was no tomorrow. I managed to stop the bleeding fortunately. Then, tonight, I scratched my chest, and began bleeding like there was no tomorrow. So, I've decided that my body thinks there is too much blood in my system, and needed to get it out.
Missing Tim and Sean like there's no tomorrow y'all.
"It's raining men! Halljuia!" - Haley and Rylann

"It's raining man juice?" - Catherine Willows

"You know Venus was the Goddess of..." (Rylann)
"Love? Yeah" (Haley)
"And..." (Rylann)
*giggles* - Haley and Rylann

"I'm your Venus, I'm your fire!" - Rylann

"Nothing broke, nothing spilled, there was just some glass on glass action" - Haley
Wow, I didn't realize how dirty that sounded.

"That's a really pretty necklace." - Tim
I know, it's a little old, and really, it's the way he said it that makes it a quote. It just came into my mind suddenly today.
<3 Timmy...


~Shazam!~ said...

Woot, 1st comment

It sounds like you had a very fun day today, wish mine was that good :(

Join June said...

Well, I guess I have to be second once in a while. Watch it with the possible CSI spoilers, there.

Here's hoping that it was bad blood that you lost.

Unknown said...

you said like there was no tomorrow 3 times in the span of a paragraph way to go